Brink "Skywing"


SUBSPECIES: Air / Lightning
AGE: 2 decades (adolescent)
HEIGHT: Approx. 3m / 10ft
BREATH: Plasma
ROLE: Adventurer / Heist getaway car
ALIGMENT: Chaotic Neutral
THEME SONG: Where No One Goes


Brink can be a little childish at times. He's fun loving, always stirring things up and getting up to mischief, but he is good natured at heart.

However there are times when his naievety gets problematic. He doesn't take things seriously- he doesn't want to take things seriously... And avoiding your problems isn't such a good thing when you're supposed to be saving the world. On top of that he's also very nervous and skittish.

It takes a long time to earn his trust, but if you do manage it, he will forever be a loyal companion and caring friend. He can actually be pretty sweet, despite his immaturity.


Brink spent the first two decades of his life living hidden away in a cave located in the treacherous Darklands. He was the third dragon to have hatched in this captivity, his egg having been stolen from it's nest by the sorcerer Terros before it was hatched.

Terros was a cruel man, with an ambition to raise an army of dragons. Yet he had no intention of seeking these dragon's permission. Instead, he planned to force them into creating a dragonblood bond- which would allow humans to control the dragons. Terros had succeeded in this task once, bonding his own daughter, Reyna, with the first-hatched dragon, named Scythe.

Brink's childhood was spent living in constant fear of his superiors, as each one of them was violent and unforgiving. The only person Brink had to turn to was Wrath, the second of the three dragons hatched, who had not yet been bonded. Wrath was like an older brother figure to Brink, and would often stand up for him at his own risk. Over the years spent together, the two became closer than kin.

Brink and Wrath were desperate to someday escape their cruel captivity, but Brink never considered running. They would almost certainly be caught, and serverely punished. But Wrath eventually decided enough was enough, and finally managed to convince Brink to act.

They had no real plan, the best they could do was sneak out under the cover of darkness and flee as fast and as far as possible. They almost succeeded, but were inevitably caught. Brink was savegely attacked by Scythe, and quite possibly would have been killed if not for Wrath saving him. Wrath held Scythe at bay and ordered Brink to escape, claiming he'd catch up later. But he never did.

Brink flew as far as he could manage, but his fight with Scythe had left him serverely wounded, and he eventually half landed/half crashed into the cover of a small forest. He rested there for the night, but when morning came he found himself still too injured to walk, never mind fly. He was left completely vulnerable and helpless.

Several days passed, and his wounds still showed no signs of healing. Thankfully, there had been no sign of Terros' forces searching for him, but also no sign of Wrath. Brink was beginning to grow hopeless when one day he heard someone approaching. He feared the worst, suspecting that perhaps Terros had found him, but was relieved to find it was just a lone human he didn't recognise. He was even more relived when the human did not act aggressively, but instead offered Brink some food. Brink was surprised, but also imensley grateful as his injuries had left him unable to hunt for the last several days. He ate ravenously and thanked the human, who's name he learned to be Kellan.

Kellan returned the next day, again bringing food, and the two talked some more. And the days after that as well. Brink's injuries were starting to finally heal, although it appeared he would never be able to fly properly again. Over time Brink and Kellan came to consider themselves close friends. But it was a friendship that had to be kept a secret. Kellan knew that the villagers of the nearby town would not be happy to find he had befriended a dragon, and so had to be careful when sneaking out to visit him. But eventually he grew careless, and was caught speaking to Brink on one of his hunting expeditions in the forest. He was reported to the city guard, and Brink and Kellan were caught entirely off guard they were suddenly attacked by a patrol of soldiers.

The two friends managed to hold their ground for a while, and eventually managed to drive their attackers away- thanks largely to Brink, who by now almost fully healed. However, during the skirmish Kellan was struck down, impaled by a guard's spear. He had passed out and was loosing blood quickly, and Brink knew he would die if something wasn't done soon. There was no time to seek help, though, and Brink knew of only one thing he could do. He performed the ritual that Terros had taught him, the ritual he had vowed never to use. Brink formed a Dragonblood bond with Kellan. The bond allowed Brink to share his strength, thus saving Kellan from death.

They left soon after, knowing that where they stayed was no longer a safe haven for them. They didn't know where they would go, but they had the whole world before them. Their adventures had only just begun...



  • Flying
  • Thunderstorms


  • Violence
  • The dark









"Wherever the wind takes us... We will let the skies guide our journey"