Joshua Nocturne


SPECIES: Demon, once human
GENDER: Male (he/him)
AGE: Immortal, appears early 20's
HEIGHT: 185 cm / 6'1 ft
OCCUPATION: Unemployed
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral



Josh is a lesser demon. He was once human, but he found himself alone and on a road to nowhere. Then he was offered the opportunity to become a demon, for the price of his soul. He made the decision on a whim, hoping that perhaps it could be a fresh start? But it wasn't really, he couldn't bring himself to kick his bad habits, and quickly fell back into his old ways. Only now, immortal and living in a lawless underworld society, there were no consequences.

These days he's living chaotically, recklessly, without any concern for the future nor himself. But whatever, it doesn't matter, everything's meaningless anyway. He's given up. He's just chasing empty highs, trying to fill the void of miserable apathy that plagues him. Hopefully one day it'll kill him.


In summary: He grew up in a neglectful environment which causes him to desperately yearn for validation and this has led him to make many very regrettable decisions.


  • Hobbies include: getting wasted,
  • Can usually be found in his natural habitat: lurking in a dank shady alleyway.
  • Never thinks before he acts.
  • Metalhead, especially loves metalcore, but he enjoys litening to anything hard, heavy and aggressive. May have a soft spot for emo as well. His favourite song is Suffer.
  • Tries to act like a cool tough edgelord but in reality he's honestly a pathetic cringefail loser.
  • I think this image sums him up well.






"Ugh shit I fucked up again..."