Carver Nocturne


SPECIES: Demon, once human
GENDER: Male (he/him)
AGE: Immortal, appears mid-late 20's
HEIGHT: 190 cm / 6'3 ft

"Don't act like you know me. I am not like you, I will never be like you."


A rather mysterious and intimidating person, Carver presents himself with an unwavering aura of confidence and cold indifference. As stoic as a brick wall, he is very much a closed book.

He is usually rather reclusive, prefers to keep to himself. Doesn’t like company, as he finds most people to be irksome and odious. When he does interact with others, he tends to be cold, condescending, and brutally blunt. He’s very distrusting, never lets anyone get close to him. Getting attached is a weakness.

Quite irritable, and occasionally he does snap and lash out in anger, which is about the most emotion you’ll ever see from him. But for the most part he is level-headed, impassive, almost never letting down his mask. Emotion is a weakness.

He usually seems very calm and collected. Very sure of himself, sometimes almost to the point of coming across as arrogant and stuck up. But this is in fact far from the truth, he's not nearly as confident as he seems, and not quite as inhuman as he may like to pretend he is. Internally, he is self-criticising and self-loathing. He feels inadequate, and constantly berates himself for not being "good enough". Sets himself to an unreasonably high standard, always striving for perfection, supressing the weakness.

But he wasn't always this way...


First Life, Human

Carver was born into a family of demon hunters, and he was always expected to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors. But it was a path Carver had never truly felt devoted to, and although his father had told him that he had a choice whether or not to follow the tradition, it never really felt like a choice to Carver, he always felt pressured. Being all but forced into a fate he had never wanted... he hated it so much.

At first he played along, silently obeying as he trained alongside his brother, Eden. The two had been so close when they were younger, but there had always been an underlying feeling of jealousy. Eden had always been better than him - stronger, kinder, and so eager to become a demon hunter. It was painfully obvious who the favourite child was. Carver felt hopeless, never able to live up to their father's high expectations, and overshadowed by the brother he could never equal. As he cracked under the pressure to do better, he began to grow withdrawn, putting up a barrier between himself and his family. He hardly spoke to Eden at all anymore.

But he wasn’t completely alone, because it was around that time that he met Kedron, and although Carver had never really been one to desire companionship, the two grew to be close friends. It was nice to have someone he could confide in, and to be able to be himself around. The only problem... Kedron was a demon. It was traitorous of the two to even be talking, and yet Carver didn't care. He wouldn't leave his only friend, and he certainly wouldn't kill him.

Not all demons were evil, he realised this now. He realised they were people, not monsters. The code of the demon hunters had never felt right to him, but with this new perspective he was now beginning to realise just how wrong his family's so called "righteous cause" was. His father and brother, blinded by their closed-minded bigotry, were taking innocent lives. This wasn't noble, this was murder! This was genocide! No longer was it just a rebellious desire to fight back against fate, Carver refused to play a part in this any longer.

The barrier became a deep wedge. Much to his father's disappointment, Carver ceased his training, in fact he ceased to speak to his family much at all. He was hardly around anymore, and even when he was, he was closed off and distant. Eventually they began to notice something was wrong. Sometimes Eden would try talking to him, but was always pushed away. But their father- it was too much! Always scalding and berating him, it was as if he was trying to rip down that barrier with his bare hands and throw Carver onto the “right path”, and oh he hated it. How dare someone try to choose his fate? How dare someone try to tell him who to be!? He didn’t care if God himself had laid this path out for him. He was sick of hiding. He just wanted to be the person he was. He just wanted to get away from that damned “destiny”.

Eventually he couldn't take it anymore. After a particularly heated arguement, he stormed out of that house in a fit of rage. He ran until he found Kedron, and he vented out all his frustration and anger and hate while his friend calmly listened. And when he had finally finished, Kedron gave him an offer - He could join him, sell his soul to become a demon. At first it seemed crazy, it was blasphemous, but... This was the freedom he wanted. To get away from everything, his family, his fate. To choose who he was and take control of his own life. And with perhaps a little spiteful irony... It was perfect.

And so Carver accepted.

Second Life, Demon

After the ritual to become a demon was complete, Carver left his old life behind, abandoning human society, and with Kedron's help he learned to live among demons in their world. He had no purpose or direction, but he enjoyed that freedom. He felt more at home than he ever had in his previous life.

Occasionally he thought about his family, wondered about what they must have thought had become of him, but he pushed away those thoughts as quickly as they came. He wouldn't think about them. He hated them. And he let that hate fester into a burning rage.

He expected never to see them again. Until one day when he sought out Kedron, simply wishing to visit his friend, and found his bleeding, semiconscious body instead. Even as he lay dying Kedron laughed. How pathetic to be killed by not an angel, but two humans, the youngest of which wielding the holy weapon that dealt the fatal strike. The description Kedron gave confirmed without a doubt what Carver feared - those two demon hunters were his father and his brother.

And as his friend died in his arms, that hate and rage began to drown out everything.

Carver had vowed he would not kill innocents, but some people were far from innocent. Some people’s hands were stained with the blood of the innocent... and so they must pay in blood.

Some people deserved to die.

Starting with those damned demon hunters...

"You may call us monsters, but you are the one who is evil."



  • Knives are his preferred weapon, may also use swords.
  • A very skilled pianist. He and his brother learned together as children.
  • Very perceptive and observant, good at noticing little details.


  • Playing piano
  • Reading (non-fiction only)
  • Philosophy and Psychology


  • Religion
  • His family
  • People who try to tell him how to live his own goddamn life (relevant to both of the above)






"You've stared at the sun for so long you've gone blind. Have you ever looked in the mirror and seen the blood on your own hands?"